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10 results
The Lord of the Flies appears in Chapter Eight. Jack and his hunters kill a sow and decide to leave an offering for the beast. […]
The Castle Rock is a fictional place in Lord of the Flies. The boys discover it halfway through the book while looking for the beast and […]
Lord of the Flies The island is the home of a number of animals, most notably pigs, who become the target of the boys’ hunts. Ralph, […]
Lord of the Flies In many ways, war is the central theme of Lord of the Flies; the experience of the boys on the island is […]
Piggy’s glasses are symbolic for a number of reasons in Lord of the Flies. The spectacles represent the boys’ only means of obtaining fire through reflecting […]
The battle between civilisation and savagery is represented in a number of Golding’s novels, most famously in Lord of the Flies and The Inheritors.
In Free Fall, Sammy and his ‘Ma’ live on Rotten Row, ‘right in the heart of the Garden of England’; ‘a slum’ with a wooden […]
Music is a major theme in some of Golding’s novels, particularly The Pyramid, but it also plays a minor, but important role in others, including Pincher Martin […]