
There was not a crack in the sky, not a blemish on the dense blue enamel...

The Scorpion God

Three short novels show Golding at his playful, ironic and mysterious best. In The Scorpion God we see the world of ancient Egypt at the time of the earliest pharoahs. Clonk Clonk is a graphic account of a crippled youth’s triumph over his tormentors in a primitive matriarchal society. And Envoy Extraordinary is a tale of Imperial Rome where the emperor loves his illegitimate grandson more than his arrogant, loutish heir.

Judy discusses the three novellas collected in this volume.

Listen to Judy Golding discussing The Scorpion God

View Judy Golding introducing The Scorpion God


Dream Diaries

Golding initially called his journals his dream diaries, and he used them to reflect on, and analyse his dreams. He kept these journals for over […]


Pretty Flower

Pretty Flower is the Pharaoh’s daughter in ‘The Scorpion God’. She is lauded for her beauty and has an elaborate silver mirror which gives the […]

News & Articles

Final four new editions published

The final four editions of Faber’s reissue of William Golding’s classic novels are now published! The books feature  striking new covers and The Paper Men and The […]

'Words may, through the devotion, the skill, the passion and the luck of writers, prove to be the most powerful thing in the world'.

William Golding, Nobel Lecture, 1983